Source code for asyncpixel.models.auctions_ended

"""Ended auction related objects."""
import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
from pydantic.types import UUID4

from .utils import to_camel

[docs]class AuctionEndedItem(BaseModel): """Ended auction model. Args: auction_id (UUID4): Id of auction. seller (UUID4): Id of seller. seller_profile (UUID4): Profile_id of seller. buyer (str): Id of buyer. timestamp (datetime.datetime): Time when the auction was bought. bin (bool): Whether the auction is BIN (Buy It Now). item_bytes (Union[str, Dict[str, Union[int, str]]]): NBT-encoded item data. price (int): Final sell price of the auction. """ auction_id: UUID4 seller: UUID4 seller_profile: UUID4 buyer: UUID4 timestamp: datetime.datetime bin: bool = False item_bytes: Union[str, Dict[str, Union[int, str]]] price: int
[docs]class AuctionEnded(BaseModel): """Main auction ended object. Args: last_updated (datetime.datetime): Time last updated. auctions (List[AuctionItem]): List of auctions. """ last_updated: datetime.datetime auctions: List[AuctionEndedItem] model_config = ConfigDict(alias_generator=to_camel)