Source code for asyncpixel.models.bazaar

"""Bazaar classes."""
import datetime
from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel

from .utils import to_camel

[docs]class BazaarSummary(BaseModel): """Bazaar object. Args: amount (int): Amount available to buy. price_per_unit (float): Price per unit. orders (int): How many orders. """ amount: int price_per_unit: float orders: int class Config: """Config.""" alias_generator = to_camel
[docs]class BazaarQuickStatus(BaseModel): """Bazaar quick status. Args: product_id (str): Id of product. sell_price (int): Sell price per unit. sell_volume (float): Volume of sale. sell_moving_week (int): Sell moving week. sell_orders (int): How many orders. buy_price (int): Buy price. buy_volume (float): Volume of purchase. buy_moving_week (int): How many orders. buy_orders (int): How many orders. """ product_id: str sell_price: float sell_volume: int sell_moving_week: int sell_orders: int buy_price: float buy_volume: int buy_moving_week: int buy_orders: int class Config: """Config.""" alias_generator = to_camel
[docs]class BazaarItem(BaseModel): """Bazaar item. Args: product_id (str): Product id. buy_summary (List[BazaarSellSummary]): List of sell summary. buy_summary (List[BazaarBuySummary]): List of buy summary. quick_status (BazaarQuickStatus): Quick status. """ product_id: str sell_summary: List[BazaarSummary] buy_summary: List[BazaarSummary] quick_status: BazaarQuickStatus
[docs]class Bazaar(BaseModel): """Bazaar object. Args: last_updated (datetime.datetime): Time last updated. bazaar_items (List[BazaarItem]): Items in bazaar. """ last_updated: datetime.datetime bazaar_items: List[BazaarItem]