Source code for asyncpixel.models.auctions

"""Auction related objects."""
import datetime
from math import floor
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic import Field
from pydantic.types import UUID4

from .utils import to_camel

[docs]class Bids(BaseModel): """Bid models. Args: auction_id (UUID4): Id of auction. bidder (UUID4): Id of bidder. profile_id (UUID4): Profile_id of seller. amount (str): Amount bidded. timestamp (datetime.datetime): Timestamp of bid placed. """ auction_id: UUID4 bidder: UUID4 profile_id: Optional[UUID4] amount: int timestamp: datetime.datetime
[docs]class AuctionItem(BaseModel): """Auction model. Args: uuid (UUID4): Id of auction. auctioneer (UUID4): Id of seller. profile_id (UUID4): Profile_id of seller. coop (str): Amount bidded. start (datetime.datetime): Start time of auction. end (datetime.datetime): End time of auction. item_name (str): Name of auction item. item_lore (str): Lore of item. extra (str): extra. category (str): Item category tier (str): Tier of item. starting_bid (int): Starting Auction bid. item_bytes (str): Bytes of item. claimed (bool): Wehther the auction has been won. claimed_bidders (Optional[List[UUID4]]): Amount bidded. highest_bid_amount (int): Highest amount bidded. bids (List[Bids]): List of bids on auction. id (str): Id of auction. bin (bool): Whether the auction is BIN (Buy instantly) """ uuid: UUID4 auctioneer: UUID4 profile_id: UUID4 coop: List[UUID4] start: datetime.datetime end: datetime.datetime item_name: str item_lore: str extra: str category: str tier: str starting_bid: int item_bytes: Union[str, Dict[str, Union[int, str]]] claimed: bool claimed_bidders: Optional[List[UUID4]] highest_bid_amount: int bids: List[Bids] id: Optional[str] = Field(alias="_id") bin: bool = False
[docs] def active(self) -> bool: """Return if auction is active - you can bid on it.""" return not self.claimed and < self.end
[docs] def lowest_possible_bid(self) -> int: """Returns next lowest possible bid.""" current_price = max(self.starting_bid, self.highest_bid_amount) if 1 <= current_price <= 3: return floor(current_price) + 1 return floor(current_price * 1.15)
[docs]class Auction(BaseModel): """Main auction object. Args: page (int): Page of auction data. total_pages (int): Total pages of auctions. total_auctions (int): Total number of auctions. last_updated (datetime.datetime): Time last updated. auctions (List[AuctionItem]): List of auctions. """ page: int total_pages: int total_auctions: int last_updated: datetime.datetime auctions: List[AuctionItem] class Config: """Config.""" alias_generator = to_camel