Source code for asyncpixel.hypixel

"""A Python HypixelAPI wrapper."""
#  Copyright (C) 2020 Leon Bowie
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License a
# long with this program. If not, see <>.
import datetime
import uuid
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import aiohttp
from pydantic import TypeAdapter

from .exceptions import ApiNoSuccessError, InvalidApiKeyError, RateLimitError
from .models import (
from .utils import calc_player_level

__all__ = ["Hypixel"]


UUID = Union[str, uuid.UUID]

[docs]class Hypixel: """Client class for hypixel wrapper.""" def __init__( self, api_key: Optional[UUID] = None, ) -> None: """Initialise client object. Args: api_key (Optional[UUID], optional): hypixel api key. Defaults to None. """ if isinstance(api_key, str) and api_key is not None: api_key = uuid.UUID(api_key) self.api_key = api_key self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession() self.requests_remaining: int = -1 self.total_requests: int = 0 self._ratelimit_reset: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1998, 1, 1) self.retry_after: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(1998, 1, 1) self._calc_player_level = calc_player_level async def __aenter__(self) -> "Hypixel": """Enter context manager.""" return self # pragma: no cover async def __aexit__(self, *args: Any) -> None: """Exit context manager.""" await self.close() # pragma: no cover
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Used for safe client cleanup.""" await self._session.close() # pragma: no cover
async def _get( self, path: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, key_required: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Base function to get raw data from hypixel. Args: path (str): path that you wish to request from. params (Dict, optional): parameters to pass into request defaults to empty dictionary. key_required (bool): Whether an api key is needed Raises: RateLimitError: error if ratelimit has been reached. InvalidApiKeyError: error if api key is invalid. ApiNoSuccessError: error if api throughs an error. Returns: dict: returns a dictionary of the json response. """ if ( self.requests_remaining != -1 and (self.requests_remaining == 0 and self._ratelimit_reset > or self.retry_after and (self.retry_after > ): raise RateLimitError(self.retry_after) if params is None: params = {} if key_required: if self.api_key is None: raise InvalidApiKeyError("No API key provided") params["key"] = str(self.api_key) response: aiohttp.ClientResponse = await self._session.get(f"{BASE_URL}{path}", params=params) if response.status == 429: self.requests_remaining = 0 self.retry_after = + datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(response.headers["Retry-After"]) ) raise RateLimitError( + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(response.headers["Retry-After"])) ) elif response.status == 403: raise InvalidApiKeyError() elif response.status != 200: raise ApiNoSuccessError(path) elif key_required and "RateLimit-Limit" in response.headers: if self.total_requests == 0: self.total_requests = int(response.headers["RateLimit-Limit"]) self.requests_remaining = int(response.headers["RateLimit-Remaining"]) self._ratelimit_reset = + datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(response.headers["RateLimit-Reset"]) ) data: Dict[str, Any] = await response.json() return data
[docs] async def watchdog_stats(self) -> WatchDog: """Get current watchdog stats. Returns: WatchDog: WatchDog stats object. """ data = await self._get("watchdogstats") return WatchDog.model_validate(data)
[docs] async def key_data(self, key: Optional[str] = None) -> Key: """Get information about an api key. Args: key (str, optional): api key. Defaults token provided in class. Raises: InvalidApiKeyError: No api key available. Returns: Key: Key object. """ if not key: key = str(self.api_key) if key == "None": raise InvalidApiKeyError() params = {"key": key} data = (await self._get("key", params=params, key_required=False))["record"] return Key.model_validate(data)
[docs] async def boosters(self) -> Boosters: """Get the current online boosters. Returns: Boosters: object containing boosters. """ data = await self._get("boosters") data["decrementing"] = data["boosterState"]["decrementing"] return Boosters.model_validate(data)
[docs] async def player_count(self) -> int: """Get the current amount of players online. Returns: int: number of online players. """ data = await self._get("playerCount") return int(data["playerCount"])
[docs] async def news(self) -> List[News]: """Get current skyblock news. Returns: List[News]: List of news objects. """ data = await self._get("skyblock/news") adapter = TypeAdapter(List[News]) return adapter.validate_python(data["items"])
[docs] async def player_status(self, uuid: UUID) -> Optional[Status]: """Get current online status about a player. Args: uuid (UUID): uuid of player. Returns: Status: Status object of player. """ data = await self._get("status", params={"uuid": str(uuid)}) if data["session"] is None: return None return Status.model_validate(data["session"])
[docs] async def player_friends(self, uuid: UUID) -> Optional[List[Friend]]: """Get a list of a players friends. Args: uuid (UUID): the uuid of the player you wish to get friends from. Returns: List[Friend]: returns a list of friend elements. """ params = {"uuid": str(uuid)} data = await self._get("friends", params=params) if data["records"] is None: return None adapter = TypeAdapter(List[Friend]) return adapter.validate_python(data["records"])
[docs] async def bazaar(self) -> Bazaar: """Get info of the items in the bazaar. Returns: Bazaar: object for bazzar. """ data = await self._get("skyblock/bazaar", key_required=False) bazaar_items = [] for name in data["products"]: elements = data["products"][name] elements["name"] = name bazaar_items.append(BazaarItem.model_validate(elements)) return Bazaar( last_updated=data["lastUpdated"], bazaar_items=bazaar_items, )
[docs] async def auctions(self, page: int = 0, retry: int = 3) -> Auction: """Get the auctions available. Args: page (int): Page of auction list you want. Defaults to 0. retry (int): Amount of retries to get the data from the api Defaults to 3. Returns: Auction: Auction object. Raises: ApiNoSuccessError: Could not get auctions. """ params = {"page": page} data = None for _ in range(retry): # pragma: no cover try: data = await self._get("skyblock/auctions", params=params, key_required=False) break except aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError: pass if data is None: # pragma: no cover raise ApiNoSuccessError("Could not get auctions.") return Auction.model_validate(data)
[docs] async def auctions_ended(self, retry: int = 3) -> AuctionEnded: """Get the auctions that have ended. Args: retry (int): Amount of retries to get the data from the api Defaults to 3. Returns: AuctionEnded: AuctionEnded object. Raises: ApiNoSuccessError: Could not get auctions ended. """ data = None for _ in range(retry): # pragma: no cover try: data = await self._get("skyblock/auctions_ended", key_required=False) break except aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError: pass if data is None: # pragma: no cover raise ApiNoSuccessError("Could not get auctions ended.") return AuctionEnded.model_validate(data)
[docs] async def recent_games(self, uuid: UUID) -> Optional[List[Game]]: """Get recent games of a player. Args: uuid (UUID): uuid of player. Returns: List[Game]: list of recent games. """ params = {"uuid": str(uuid)} data = await self._get("recentGames", params=params) if data["games"] is None: return None adapter = TypeAdapter(List[Game]) return adapter.validate_python(data["games"])
[docs] async def player(self, uuid: UUID) -> Optional[Player]: """Get information about a player from their uuid. Args: uuid (UUID): uuid of player. Returns: Player: player object. """ params = {"uuid": str(uuid)} data = await self._get("player", params=params) if data["player"] is None: return None return Player.model_validate(data["player"])
[docs] async def guild_by_name(self, guild_name: str) -> Optional[Guild]: """Get guild by name. Args: guild_name (str): name of guild. Returns: Guild: guild object. """ params = {"name": guild_name} data = await self._get("guild", params=params) if data["guild"] is None: return None return Guild.model_validate(data["guild"])
[docs] async def guild_by_id(self, guild_id: str) -> Optional[Guild]: """Get guild by id. Args: guild_id (str): id of guild. Returns: Guild: guild object. """ params = {"id": guild_id} data = await self._get("guild", params=params) if data["guild"] is None: return None return Guild.model_validate(data["guild"])
[docs] async def guild_by_player(self, player_uuid: UUID) -> Optional[Guild]: """Get guild by player. Args: player_uuid (UUID): uuid of a player in the guild. Returns: Guild: guild object. """ params = {"player": str(player_uuid)} data = await self._get("guild", params=params) if data["guild"] is None: return None return Guild.model_validate(data["guild"])
[docs] async def auction_from_uuid(self, uuid: UUID) -> Optional[List[AuctionItem]]: """Get auction from uuid. Args: uuid (UUID): minecraft uuid. Returns: List[AuctionItem]: list of auctions. """ params = {"uuid": str(uuid)} data = await self._get("skyblock/auction", params=params) if data["auctions"] is None: return None adapter = TypeAdapter(List[AuctionItem]) return adapter.validate_python(data["auctions"])
[docs] async def auction_from_player(self, player: str) -> Optional[List[AuctionItem]]: """Get auction data from player. Args: player (str): player. Returns: List[AuctionItem]: list of auction items. """ params = {"player": player} data = await self._get("skyblock/auction", params=params) if data["auctions"] is None: return None adapter = TypeAdapter(List[AuctionItem]) return adapter.validate_python(data["auctions"])
[docs] async def auction_from_profile(self, profile_id: str) -> Optional[List[AuctionItem]]: """Get auction data from profile. Args: profile_id (str): profile id. Returns: List[AuctionItem]: list of auction items. """ params = {"profile": profile_id} data = await self._get("skyblock/auction", params=params) if data["auctions"] is None: return None adapter = TypeAdapter(List[AuctionItem]) return adapter.validate_python(data["auctions"])
[docs] async def game_count(self) -> GameCounts: """Gets number of players per game. Returns: GameCounts: game counts. """ data = await self._get("gameCounts") return GameCounts.model_validate(data)
[docs] async def leaderboards(self) -> Dict[str, List[Leaderboards]]: """Get the current leaderboards. Returns: Dict[str, Leaderboards]: raw json response. """ data = await self._get("leaderboards") leaderboard = {} leaderboards = data["leaderboards"] for key in leaderboards.keys(): leaderboards_list = [] for element in leaderboards[key]: location: Tuple[int, int, int] = ( int(element["location"].split(",")[0]), int(element["location"].split(",")[1]), int(element["location"].split(",")[2]), ) leaderboards_list.append( Leaderboards( path=element["path"], prefix=element["prefix"], title=element["title"], location=location, count=element["count"], leaders=element["leaders"], ) ) leaderboard[key] = leaderboards_list return leaderboard
[docs] async def resources_achievements(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the current resources. Does not require api key. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: raw json response. """ data = await self._get("resources/achievements", key_required=False) return data
[docs] async def resources_challenges(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the current resources. Does not require api key. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: raw json response. """ data = await self._get("resources/challenges", key_required=False) return data
[docs] async def resources_quests(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the current resources. Does not require api key. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: raw json response. """ data = await self._get("resources/quests", key_required=False) return data
[docs] async def resources_guilds_achievements(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the current resources. Does not require api key. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: raw json response. """ data = await self._get("resources/guilds/achievements", key_required=False) return data
[docs] async def resources_guilds_permissions(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the current resources. Does not require api key. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: raw json response. """ data = await self._get("resources/guilds/permissions", key_required=False) return data
[docs] async def resources_skyblock_collections(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the current resources. Does not require api key. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: raw json response. """ data = await self._get("resources/skyblock/collections", key_required=False) return data
[docs] async def resources_skyblock_skills(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the current resources. Does not require api key. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: raw json response. """ data = await self._get("resources/skyblock/skills", key_required=False) return data
[docs] async def profile(self, profile: str) -> Optional[Profile]: """Get profile info of a skyblock player. Args: profile (str): profile id of player can be gotten from running profiles. Returns: Union[Profile, None]: Profile if it exists """ params = {"profile": profile} data = await self._get("skyblock/profile", params=params) if data["profile"] is None: return None return Profile.model_validate(data["profile"])
[docs] async def profiles(self, uuid: UUID) -> Optional[Dict[str, Profile]]: """Get info on a profile. Args: uuid (UUID): uuid of player. Returns: Dict[str, Profile]: json response. """ params = {"uuid": str(uuid)} data = await self._get("skyblock/profiles", params=params) if data["profiles"] is None: return None profiles = data["profiles"] profile_dict = {} for profile in profiles: _id = profile["profile_id"] profile_dict[_id] = Profile.model_validate(profile) return profile_dict
[docs] async def uuid_from_name(self, username: str) -> Optional[uuid.UUID]: """Helper method to get uuid from username. Args: username (str): username of player Returns: UUID4: uuid of player """ async with self._session.get("" f"{username}") as response: if response.status != 200: return None else: return uuid.UUID((await response.json())["id"])